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¥1,800.00 买方承担运费


第  10  年
功能: 抓烟或抓公仔
产地: 广州番禺
品牌: 台湾冠兴主板抓烟机
规格: 1930*800*800MM
型号: 台湾冠兴主板抓烟机
是否支持一件代发: 支持


娃娃机,又称选物贩卖机,台湾俗称夹娃娃机,香港称夹公仔机,为一种源于日本的电子游戏。日语原名UFO CATCHER。并于现时流行日式夹公仔机(2爪) 及韩式夹公仔机(3爪)。是指将商品陈列在一个透明的箱内,其上有一个可控制抓取物品的机器手臂,使用者要凭自己的技术操控手臂,以取得自己想要的物品。因最早大多放置毛绒玩具之类的布偶填充玩具,故有之“夹娃娃”、“夹公仔”之称。因为放置的布偶是十分受欢迎的布偶等物,因而受儿童及青少年欢迎。







一、普通版娃娃机:尺寸(cm):80*85*192 重量(kg):200







二、豪华版娃娃机:尺寸(cm):80*85*192 重量(kg):200
















一、 产品可经由设定工作模式为:

(1) 普通模式:投币即可游戏,强、弱力可由机器设定控制。

(2) 自动贩卖模式:需投足机器所设定的贩卖币数方可游戏,连续方式,直到抓到礼品为止。

二、 具备游戏时间控制:当顾客投币游戏时,如果不去操作机台,机台会倒 记时,自动去不定点抓取娃娃。

三、 普通模式下具备连续投币5次送1次等于6次功能。

四、 可选择娃娃出物口位置,见第6页。

五、 可连续彩票机:主机板直接与彩票机连线,每游戏一回合,便退彩票一张,累计按奖品,增加游戏乐趣,增加营业利润。

六、 可设定投币和游戏的比例:详见第6页。

七、 可设定自动展示搅动娃娃:当开关设定时,在无人操作机台时,每间隔20分钟,天车会自动去不定点抓取娃娃5次,模拟操作,使用强抓力抓娃娃,抓中娃娃收线至顶端时,爪子自动打开,使娃娃松动脱落,而达到自动翻滚娃娃的功能,并加强顾客游戏的欲望。

八、 两种游戏模式:

(1) 两按键模式(ONETOUCH),即两个按键都只能按1次,就会自动下钩取物。

(2) 摇杆模式,即是可以前后左右四个方向并有下钩和取物键。

九、 强抓力计时模式的选择:

(1) 当选择KIP—SW A SWITCH8=OFF时,则游戏时当爪子入下至底部抓取娃娃时,开始计时强抓力,至设定秒数后即转为弱抓力,娃娃即会掉落,使游戏更刺激,而达到盈利的目的。

(2) 当选择DIP—SW A SWITCH8=ON时,则投币后,游戏马上倒计强抓力时间,如果是在设定时间内抓取娃娃,则其余皆为弱抓力,顾客便无法抓到娃娃。

Crane Machine

Dolls, also known as election material vending machines, commonly known folder doll inTaiwan, Hong Kong, said clip doll machine, an electronic game originated fromJapan. The Japanese formerly known UFO CATCHER. , And now popular Japanese-style clip doll machine (2 claws) and Korean clip doll machine (claws). Refers to the goods on display in a transparent box on a robotic arm control grasp objects, users have to rely on their own technical manipulation of the arm, in order to obtain the items they want. Earliest mostly placed plush toys like puppets, stuffed toys, therefore the folder doll "," folder doll said. Placed puppet is very popular puppets and other objects, and therefore welcomed by children and adolescents.

And businesses in after launch clip watches, key rings and even seafood machine. Such machines do not necessarily want to be able to catch the items or folders on a vibration or even nothing, but good luck or skills may get a small amount of money commodity, therefore compared to items trafficking, function, as provided More fun games or gaming functionality.

Such vending machines in Hong Kong, only a small amount of local convenience stores, shopping malls, indoor playground, and in recent years a significant increase in the number of gift machine, but the difficulty of the shop is different, and even some stores simply set to the chance of winning almost zero difficulty , there are often a regular customers doll closer to exports, compared to Japan must for inferior. 2010 youtube a the Shito column folder doll instructional videos to s_lcl ~ UFO キ ャ ッ チ ャ ー folder doll (ID) (tips) for the title, providing a large number of Hong Kongs most clip doll instructional videos, breaking Useful stupid situation.

But inJapan, a large number of amusement game centers. Clip doll machine to a wider public, are not difficult to find at the night market or grocery store door.

Select objects vending machines in addition to the normal toys, and even the alternative selected, such as fresh lobster, fish, etc., but often attracted criticism of animal abuse.

Historical development

Crane machines take root in the Asian market,Japan,Taiwan,Hong Kong,South Koreaand all over the streets, very popular. In recent years, slowly returns inChina, inChinas major cities, such asGuangzhou, Shenzhen,Shanghai, distributed, are passed to the small and medium-sized cities.

Working Principle

Automatically select objects vending machine doll machine coin way the inside coin, you can control the machine caught doll, caught in the doll is yours.

Model types

The two most important parts of the crane machine motherboard and crane track, doll machine, the board is divided into domestic andTaiwan, domestic quality up to less than the majority of the requirements of customers, and nowTaiwans motherboard The machine, for example, will be described.

The regular edition doll machine: Size (cm): 80 * 85 * 192 Weight (kg): 200

Product Features: 1. Taiwan Guanxing original motherboard crane system, mainland orbit, claws, brand guarantee reliable quality

The 2. Showcase effluents mouth with the anti-theft system, security double guarantee

3 display and the keyboard is easy to operate and audit and management

Five-phase adjustment: voltage, speed, time, and amount set

5. Innovative Japanese style appearance combined with colorful neon design

6. Showcase design boutique, all-round viewing, to expand the line of sight

Deluxe Edition doll machine: Size (cm): 80 * 85 * 192 Weight (kg): 200

Product Features: 1. Taiwan Guanxing original motherboard crane system inTaiwan,Taiwans orbit, claws, brand guarantee reliable quality

The 2. Showcase effluents mouth with the anti-theft system, security double guarantee

3 display and the keyboard is easy to operate and audit and management

Five-phase adjustment: voltage, speed, time, and amount set

5. Innovative Japanese style appearance combined with colorful neon design

6. Showcase design boutique, all-round viewing, to expand the line of sight

Third, automatic against the currency grasping, Crane Machine

National patent products, automatic system against the currency, in one machine

Taiwan Guanxing original motherboard, crane system inTaiwan,Taiwans orbit, claws, brand guarantee reliable quality

The 3. Showcase effluents mouth with the anti-theft system, security double guarantee

Five-phase adjustment: voltage, speed, time, and amount set

5. Innovative Japanese style appearance combined with colorful neon design

6. Showcase design boutique, all-round viewing, to expand the line of sight

7 display and the keyboard is easy to operate and audit and management

Instructions for use

A product via the set operating mode:

(1) Normal mode: The coin can be game, strong and weak force can be machine set control.

(2) Vending mode: the need to cast all the vending machines set number of credits before the game, continuous manner until caught Gift date.

With game time control: When the customer when the coin-operated game, if they do not operate the machine, the machine will automatically go sentinel crawl doll countdown.

Ordinary mode 5 get 1 equal to six times functions with continuous coin.

Option dolls the effluents mouth position, see page 6.

Five consecutive lottery machine: Motherboard directly with the lottery machine connection round per game, they retreat to a lottery ticket, the accumulated increase the game fun, prizes to increase operating profit.

Can set the proportion of coin and game: See page 6.

Seven, can be set to automatically display agitation doll: When the switch is set, the unmanned operation of the machine, at intervals of 20 minutes, the crane will automatically go sentinel crawl doll 5 analog operation, use strong grip grasping doll, caught doll closing line to the top, the claws automatically open the doll loose in, while automatically roll doll and strengthen the desire of the customer game.

Eight, two game modes:

(1) two button mode (ONETOUCH), both key only once, under the hook will automatically extract.

(2) joystick mode, that is the front-rear direction of about four and a lower hook and extract key.

Nine, strong grasp of the the force timing mode selection:

(1) When selecting KIP-SW A SWITCH8 = OFF, the game when the claws into the next to the bottom of the crawl doll, start timing the strong grip, to set the number of seconds soon turned weak grip, the doll will fall, to make the game more exciting, and achieve profit objectives.

(2) When the DIP-SW A SWITCH8 = ON is selected, then the coin, the game immediately countdown strong grip time, if it is within the set time crawling doll, the rest are weak grip, the customer will not be able to caught doll.



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